When it comes to food, I will try just about anything. Especially if it’s considered healthy. A few months ago, Hubby and I watched a documentary called Hungry for Change, which really reminded us how important it is to take care of our bodies from the inside out. Feeding yourself the proper nutrients, good fats, colorful vegetables and fruits, whole grains–it all adds up to having smoother, brighter skin, shinier hair and stronger nails. Who wouldn’t want to be able to help control those facets of our appearance?
At that time, I even made the transformation from white wine and milk chocolate to red wine and dark chocolate. I basically turned into a health nut. (Ha).
Anyway, I’ve seen recipes for a chocolate avocado pudding and before you turn away in fear, let me tell you it was better than I expected. Some people are afraid of heights, some are afraid of spiders (me!) and others are simply scared of vegetables or anything they have previously decided will taste gross without giving it a proper taste. So let’s get over that fear and delve into something unique. Now, am I saying this is the ideal flavor substitute for full-fat, high sugar chocolate pudding? Of course not! But, it’s definitely worth a try.
Hubby and I are both big on taking our daily vitamins (even if they’re the occasional gummy kind), and getting ourselves to the gym or out for a long walk whenever possible. However, we’re only human. He will gladly chow down on a double bacon burger and I can indulge in my fair share of a cheese plate or hot fudge brownie sundae.
That’s where the balance comes in. Incorporating some better-for-you snacks here and there will help on those days when you consider cold pizza a complete breakfast or polish off your own and your friend’s plate of fries. (Not like I’ve never done that before…)
Let me know what you think!
Recipe adapted from paleomg.com
½ an avocado, mashed
1-2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons agave syrup
1 teaspoon any nut butter or PB2
Pinch of salt
Dark chocolate chips (optional)
Coconut (optional)

Eat and enjoy the yummy health benefits!
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