A Clean Plate for 2017


Happy New Year everyone! I couldn’t let the time go by without sharing my annual well wishes–a tradition I’ve had since I began That’s So Jenn way back when. I know 2016 got a bad rap for many, and I was certainly knocked out a few times, but I don’t blame the calendar year: I blame life. It will always be full of ups and downs and it’s the attitude we have that gets us through. I’m fortunate to be surrounded by some of the greatest people who make the hard times easier and the good times even greater, which makes this roller coaster worth riding.

I experienced beauty in so many ways; through the eyes of my toddler, as a team with Hubby, and by continuing to strengthen relationships with old friends who are like family, and new friends who I have grown closer with. Of course, nothing would have been possible without our actual family who supports us unconditionally and is there to make lasting memories with.

This past year, I learned a lot about myself, shared a lot about myself which led to strong connections with others, and got to fulfill my creative passions in so many ways. Hubby and I have been fortunate to grow in our careers (including publishing my book!), we rejoiced in loved ones welcoming children, announcing engagements and babies on the way, and even witnessed people healing from illnesses. We danced at weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, went on trips, and hosted/attended various parties and ‘just because’ celebrations which make the every day so much fun.

While 2016 certainly wasn’t what we thought it would be, it still gave us so many reasons to smile.


Below, That’s SO Jenn’s New Year Motivations:

As we say farewell to 2016, we reflect upon all the delicious foods we’ve encountered. There were new things we were brave enough to taste, many we’ve shared with family, friends and partners, others we’ve indulged in, and some that maybe weren’t as palatable as we may have liked.

Some things we had to work hard to prepare, while other fortunate situations were handed to us on a silver platter. Occasionally, we may have been limited to a prix fixe menu, and in other moments we were given a buffet full of options.

Sometimes we were told things that had to marinate in our minds for a while, while others were easy to digest. Some days we were forced to eat and run, and in other situations we could sit and dine through many plates. Some things didn’t quite stay fresh forever, and others, like a good aged cheese, got better over time.

Life is full of flavor and we never know what will be brought to the table next. Whatever your traditions may be, or what meal you enjoy this evening, take a moment to be grateful for being able to satisfy life’s hungers in oh so many ways.

Thank you for making That’s SO Jenn part of your lives. I look forward to all that is in store as we dig in to the next course together.

I wish you a New Year:

as bubbly as champagne,

as comforting as a bowl of chicken soup,

as healthy as a bushel of kale,

as exciting as a box of chocolates,

as sweet as honeydew,

as symbolic as birthday cake,

as meaningful as a family recipe,

as warm as a cup of coffee,

as fulfilling as a loaf of bread,

and as full of variety as the spice of life has to offer.

Cheers to beautiful beginnings in 2017!


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